Three Examples for Gender Audit of Municipal Budgets
Discussion on the possibility of implementing the policy of “housing for all” in Israel
Adva Center’s annual publication for 2016: The fruits of the economic growth trickle upwards more than down
Low Productivity is the Result of, among others, Lowering the Cost of Labor
The report challenges the routine government position with regard to social maladies: economic growth and still more economic growth. The figures belie the reliance on economic growth
The report reveals the worsening of the share of workers in Israel between 2004 and 2014
Lessons From Around the World
Israel’s Heart is in Western Europe, Her Feet are in the Eastern and Southern Fringes
Not What You Thought about Self-Employed Workers : Most Work Alone, Provide Services to Corporations and Government or to Households, and Enjoy Limited Social Benefits
this guide follows possible stages in a woman’s life. The idea is to provide you with enough information so that you ask the right questions, know what to watch out for, and make the right decisions as changes occur in your family life or career
The Gap between “Start-up Nation” and the Rest of the Nation
The Economic Policies of the Second Netanyahu Government (2009-2012)
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