The Economic Policies of the Second Netanyahu Government (2009-2012)
The Adva Center analyzes the government’s socioeconomic policies on an ongoing basis, while studying the effect of these policies on equality and social justice in Israel.
In this paper, Adva reaches beyond its usual analysis, to examine the socioeconomic policies during the course of one entire term of office – the second term of Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister of Israel, which lasted 4 years and 2 weeks, from 31 March 2009 to 18 March 2013. Only two other Israeli governments lasted this long: that of Golda Meir (4 years and 4 months) and the first Begin government (4 years and 1.5 months).
Even before his second term, Netanyahu had played a key role in shaping Israel’s socioeconomic policies – during his first term as Prime Minister, from 1996 to 1999 (3 years and one month), and later as Finance Minister in the government of Ariel Sharon, from 2003 to 2005.
This document focuses on several core elements of governmental activity – not budgetary policy alone, but other policy areas as well, such as monetary policy, investment, and taxation of natural resources.