Three Examples for Gender Audit of Municipal Budgets
Discussion on the possibility of implementing the policy of “housing for all” in Israel
The evacuation of residents from the border areas of the Gazan Strip and the North of Israel since October 7, 2023, has created “a new spatial order.” Like Origami, Israel has become a country with a different social and spatial texture than that prior to the “folding.” The refiguring that occurred has far-reaching implications on the lives of persons evacuated as well as on the absorbing municipality and its inhabitants.
The term “Gaza Envelope” came into usage 20 years ago. The area was all but abandoned in the recent state budget: the per capita amount approved for 2023 and 2024 was lower by 31% than that of 2022
The Interior Ministry Recognizes Mayoral Advisors on Gender Equality as Key Officials and Puts Them Back to Work
Arab society is part and parcel of Israeli society and it should be represented and discussed in the daily media reports about the virus that all Israelis follow so closely
The report presents the latest figures available on central government financing of local authorities. The report shows that Non-Haredi Settlements continue to benefit from the largest government subsidies
The report offers a fresh look at the implications of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for Israeli society and confronts two different national agendas, and two Israeli settlement projects: The Development Towns and The Settlements in the Occupied Territories
Introduction to some of the major national and ethnic groups in Israel, as well as a glimpse into some of the major political and economic issues
The level of public services in local authorities is dictated to a great extent by the central government rather than by elected local officials
A report on inequality in government transfers to local authorities reveals that Israel continues to prioritize settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories over localities in Israel proper
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