Gender Mainstreaming Calls for Gender Breakdowns

Case Study: The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor

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Gender mainstreaming is a new approach to designing and assessing gov­ernment and municipal activities. This approach increases transparency and ensures that public activities are designed to address the differential needs of women and men.

Gender mainstreaming entails a new way of thinking about the differences be­tween women and men (and between girls and boys) – their behaviors, roles, and needs – every time a program or a budget is designed or assessed.

A gender analysis cannot be performed on the work of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor because not all the departments collect data by gender.

In the absence of data disaggregated by gender, and out of a desire to pro­mote a gender analysis of state programs and budgets, this document high­lights areas in which data should be collected by gender and the benefits that could be derived from such data.

To read Gender Mainstreaming Calls for Gender Breakdowns – click here

For Women’s Budget Forum Website – click here