Three Examples for Gender Audit of Municipal Budgets
Discussion on the possibility of implementing the policy of “housing for all” in Israel
Neglect of residents of the unrecognized villages is outrageous. The security threat prevents Bedouin citizens residing in the Negev from purchasing necessities, thus creating a threat of food insecurity and even hunger, which is liable to exacerbate if the present war continues
The figures presented in the report reflect the first chapters of the story of the epidemic, which is also a story of the widening of inequality in Israel and elsewhere
The story of what happened to Bilal, a teenager from an “unrecognized” village, during the Corona crisis reflects the changes that occurred in the daily lives of young Bedouins living in the Negev. The character is based on the experience of a real person
In the absence of a suitable response, we might find ourselves on the “day after” with a smaller number of unemployed persons but with many more poor and deeper poverty
Corona is so inexpensive that one might think it erases all differences, all gaps. No east or west, no north or south, no up or down. Or is it?
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