Three Examples for Gender Audit of Municipal Budgets
Discussion on the possibility of implementing the policy of “housing for all” in Israel
The decision to engage in gender budgeting was made more than seven years ago, but it will take more time and the overcoming of numerous challenges along the way before full implementation actually occurs
While attention was focused on coronavirus departments and on vaccinations, one aspect of the epidemic remained at the margins of public attention: mental health.
The differential impact on Israelis from diverse population groups
The best investment for Israel at this point is a “New Deal” of investment in education and in its human capital. This is an investment which will yield benefits for years to come
When a Feminist Initiative is Institutionalized: Feminist organizations and researchers pioneered the field of gender budgeting and 15 years later the government institutionalized it. Yet, it is not enough. Gender responsive budgeting cannot be reduced to data-rich statistical reports that are published along with the budget. It also requires taking into account the voices of women
It is time to abandon the dichotomy between the public and the private sectors. It is time to put the public interest back on center stage
A short paper by Dr. Shlomo Swirski offers insights into the lessons learnt thus far from the corona crisis
It is possible to give all the residents of Israel and people whose main source of income is in Israel, an amount equal to the current minimum wage of $1500 for a period of three months
In the absence of a suitable response, we might find ourselves on the “day after” with a smaller number of unemployed persons but with many more poor and deeper poverty
Israelis stood on their balconies to cheer and thank the medical teams in the hospitals who diligently cared for corona patients. It was a beautiful, heartwarming gesture. Now, this show of appreciation should be translated into improving working conditions in the hospitals
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